if you knew me
you know i find it hard to speak
i uttered syllables that pleaded rescue
but you were too occupied
to even hear
i set my cries aside
to find it taking its toll
the walls i built suddenly caved in
i needed you
but now i cannot run to you
i've set my cries aside
because you cannot hear
i needed you
but now how can i run to you?
the words that you shut off
have locked me in
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ako ay Pilipino Movement (AAP) - What it's about
For many years the Lord has been preparing the Philippines for a great harvest that will pave the way for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in Asia and the world. The calling for the Philippines to be a “tiger economy”, “fruit basket of Asia” and a “missionary-sending nation” are waiting to be fulfilled. However, year after year the Philippines have been struggling from corrupt government, natural calamities and economic crisis. The results have been devastating.
God is doing something among the nations, like what He said to Habakkuk when he was complaining about the sickening situations in Judah. God told Habakkuk (1:5), “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” He is truly moving among the nations. He wants the Philippines to come back to Him and fulfill her calling. The calling is great, that is why the struggle is so evident. The enemy is effectively working among the government to thwart this plan. Corruption and lawlessness are so systemic that drag our country to suffering. Poverty is so rampant that the brightest young professionals and the geniuses’ are going out of the country in search for a better life. Many parents go outside the country for a better life for their children. Many families are broken. The fatherless are increasing in numbers. The gap between rich and poor is widening. The people are losing heart. Only those who believe in the promises of God loves our nation, the rest, are ashamed to be a Filipino.
It is the same as it was in the days of Habakkuk. His complaints to God are understandable. They are valid. The Lord heard them. And then He answered. Habakkuk responded by being the watchman for Judah. From the tower he could see the wickedness all around, and knew God was going to speak. Yes, the Babylonians were set to destroy Judah, similar to how the enemy is set to destroy the Philippines. But Habakkuk waited. He heard the Lord say:
Habakkuk 2 (NKJV)
1 I will stand my watch
And set myself on the rampart,
And watch to see what He will say to me,
And what I will answer when I am corrected.
2 Then the LORD answered me and said:
“ Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.
The Lord has set Intercessors For the Philippines and the rest of the Body of Christ participating in the two-year National Prayer and Fasting as the nation’s watchmen. The Lord has already given the vision and revelation for the Philippines. The destination and God’s plan is already set. Now we are waiting for its fulfillment. But like in the days of Judah, the Lord wanted Habakkuk to write down what he hears from the Lord. This means, the vision or revelation had to be made public. It had to be made known to Judah. It had to be read. The reason? As the people read the vision from the Lord, their hearts would be uplifted and encouraged. Instead of looking at the wicked happening all around them, they would see what the Lord had prepared for them. And uplifted, they would run with the vision, united in one heart and mind to fulfill all that God had spoken.
The same is true at present. The Philippines is waiting for the Body of Christ to be united. The vision is already revealed to them. But they all need to run with it. It has to be made known to everyone that despite the present turmoil, God has already made up His mind to change the Philippines. This vision and revelation should be made available not only to the believers, but to everyone.
How are we going to make this happen? As the leadership of the Body of Christ is working on the practical and spiritual terms, we should make use of all forms of media to make the vision public: written materials, books, Internet, TV & radio. The content should be from the time Philippines were discovered as a nation almost 490 years ago, from her birth until now, focusing on her purpose and destiny that was revealed throughout history. It will also trace back who we are as Filipinos during the pre-colonial era. This is in support to God’s prophetic word over the Philippines in accordance to Daniel 9:24, the fulfillment of all the prophecies that will be given in the 490th year of when Philippines was recognized as a nation.
After hearing from the Lord this direction, we therefore wanted to put it into action. We would like to come up with a material, which we will call: “Ako ay Pilipino”. This material will help establish in the hearts of the Filipinos who we are, why we are in this nation, and why we have been born in such a time as this. Once we understand our identity as a Filipino and as a nation, it will be easy for us to fulfill our destiny. Patriotism & passionate prayers will arise as each one realizes how especial Filipinos are in the eyes of the Lord and the world. The uplifting of the hearts will create the desire for change for righteousness in and out. It will be a material that will address not only born again Christians, but to all Bible believing people from different religion that believes in the Bible like the Catholics, Protestant, etc.
We are in the gateway of the fulfillment of the prophesies over our beloved nation. This will pave the way for the completion of the Great Commission throughout Asia and the world. It is a time for change. A time to unite. A time to set aside church background and denomination as a hindrance. People need to hear what the Lord has prepared for the Philippines. Only righteousness will exalt this nation. There is no way that wicked governance and disunited Body of Christ will do this. Let us boldly make known the vision and the revelation of the Lord for our beloved nation that all Filipinos, not just the Christians, in and outside the Philippines may run with it.
1.This is a step of faith in seizing our nation’s prophetic destiny. The prophetic direction and the vision God has given the watchmen of the Philippines through Bishop Dan Balais, IFP, Cindy Jacobs & other prophets & participating churches in Two-year National Prayer and Fasting. (Dan. 9:20-24) The 490 years of the Philippines is in 2010, the year of the fulfillment & jubilee.
2. We have to write down the given vision (make it public) for the Philippines, so the one who reads it may run with it (may join with it and take action) (Habakkuk 2: 1-4). This is a response to the call of God to make the vision public not only to the Body of Christ but also to all Filipinos.
3. Throughout history, the Lord has already been moving to change this nation, but the people are not seeing them. We need a way to let them see the move of God in this nation.
4. The hearts of the Filipinos have been so low because of the poverty, political turmoil, economic crisis and corruption. They are discouraged and frustrated. Making the Filipino’s self-esteem very low. It is about time to let them see who they are as Filipinos and their destiny in God’s eyes.
5. There are still part of the Body of Christ that are not convinced of God’s redemptive plans for the Philippines and its role in changing this nation. This is an opportune time to open their eyes to the reality of God and set aside denominations and personal interest, and be united.
6. There are millions of Filipinos who are living outside the country to make a living. Some of them have forsaken their motherland, others have hatred and ashamed to be Filipinos. It is about time to uplift the cause of the Philippines, know how God loves this nation. However, there are also Filipinos outside the country who are just waiting for a movement and a chance that they can support to change this nation.
7. Slowly, there is already a big mass of Filipinos who are becoming more patriotic. They just need some foundation and direction for their patriotism.
8. The Filipinos are ready for a change. There is a silent cry in the schools, offices, families, everywhere that should be given an avenue to pave the way for a change.
1. To write down and share the vision. This is to make the prophetic word of the Lord for the Philippines, public. It is our goal to share the vision God has given to the Body of Christ and to the Filipinos. As they are informed, through God’s work throughout the histories past & present, the Filipinos will understand their destiny as a person and as a nation.
2. To rally and challenge the people to chose righteousness, to pray and take action. This is the only way that God can exalt this nation.
3. To prepare the Filipinos for the coming election that is going to open the gate for the Philippines’ 490th year, which will usher in the new season of God for the Philippines.
4. To stir up the sprit of patriotism in the hearts of the Filipinos in and outside the country. To instill in the hearts of the Filipinos that one of our purposes in life is to love our nation.
5. To make the Filipinos realize and take action on their destiny as a nation and role in fulfilling the Great Commission in Asia and the world.
All forms of media if possible:
• Book (it will start from the book as the basis of all the materials that will be used)
• Website
• TV programs & Radio stations
• Billboards
• Newspapers/magazines
• Shirts, stickers, dog tags, etc.
Daniel 9:20-24 (New International Version)
The Seventy "Sevens" (490 years)
While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the LORD my God for his holy hill- while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the message and understand the vision:
"Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.
Habakkuk 2 (NLT)
I will climb up to my watchtower
and stand at my guardpost.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says
and how he[a] will answer my complaint.
The Lord’s Second Reply
Then the Lord said to me,
“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
(NASB) ["Record the vision, and inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run.]
(NKJV) [“ Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.]
This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed.
PROPHECY: (one of the many prophecies)
Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs
You know, the Lord shows me, over the Philippines there is a PRINCIPALITY OF CORRUPTION, and this corruption has been so systemic, and so deep, and this principality thinks it controls the Philippines. But the Lord is showing me that there will be a NATIONAL FAST, praying -- everyone, the north, the south, the east and the west, the whole church, not part of the church, STANDING UP and FASTING and PRAYING. There should not be a day that there isn't fasting going on for the Philippines.
And I am calling you, wherever you are, whoever is hearing my voice, whatever pastor is hearing my voice, whatever youth movement, the Lord is saying, 'LOVE YOUR NATION.' This is a strategic nation. Fast for the elections coming up, cry out to God, that in the next election God is gonna move in a massive way, the spirit of corruption will be broken.
Listen, the last time I was in the Philippines, I prophesied that the fear of the Lord was going to come to the Philippines, and those who tried to participate in corruption I feared for their lives. After that, two of them died. God isn't just saying these things. He means them. You get your life right, and you have the fear of the Lord in your life. If you tried to corrupt, corrupt God's nation, it's gonna be Acts 5 days of Ananias and Sapphira.
God is getting ready to move and march throughout the land. He's gonna pull down one and He's gonna set up the other. No longer will His words be delayed over the Philippines. If you stand and pray and you believe, God, the Lion of Judah, is going to arise and shake His mane over the nation, and He's going to roar out of Zion, and the darkness will be dispelled, says the Lord. Wow!
Prepared by:
Lorna Joannes
July 20, 2009
For many years the Lord has been preparing the Philippines for a great harvest that will pave the way for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in Asia and the world. The calling for the Philippines to be a “tiger economy”, “fruit basket of Asia” and a “missionary-sending nation” are waiting to be fulfilled. However, year after year the Philippines have been struggling from corrupt government, natural calamities and economic crisis. The results have been devastating.
God is doing something among the nations, like what He said to Habakkuk when he was complaining about the sickening situations in Judah. God told Habakkuk (1:5), “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” He is truly moving among the nations. He wants the Philippines to come back to Him and fulfill her calling. The calling is great, that is why the struggle is so evident. The enemy is effectively working among the government to thwart this plan. Corruption and lawlessness are so systemic that drag our country to suffering. Poverty is so rampant that the brightest young professionals and the geniuses’ are going out of the country in search for a better life. Many parents go outside the country for a better life for their children. Many families are broken. The fatherless are increasing in numbers. The gap between rich and poor is widening. The people are losing heart. Only those who believe in the promises of God loves our nation, the rest, are ashamed to be a Filipino.
It is the same as it was in the days of Habakkuk. His complaints to God are understandable. They are valid. The Lord heard them. And then He answered. Habakkuk responded by being the watchman for Judah. From the tower he could see the wickedness all around, and knew God was going to speak. Yes, the Babylonians were set to destroy Judah, similar to how the enemy is set to destroy the Philippines. But Habakkuk waited. He heard the Lord say:
Habakkuk 2 (NKJV)
1 I will stand my watch
And set myself on the rampart,
And watch to see what He will say to me,
And what I will answer when I am corrected.
2 Then the LORD answered me and said:
“ Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.
The Lord has set Intercessors For the Philippines and the rest of the Body of Christ participating in the two-year National Prayer and Fasting as the nation’s watchmen. The Lord has already given the vision and revelation for the Philippines. The destination and God’s plan is already set. Now we are waiting for its fulfillment. But like in the days of Judah, the Lord wanted Habakkuk to write down what he hears from the Lord. This means, the vision or revelation had to be made public. It had to be made known to Judah. It had to be read. The reason? As the people read the vision from the Lord, their hearts would be uplifted and encouraged. Instead of looking at the wicked happening all around them, they would see what the Lord had prepared for them. And uplifted, they would run with the vision, united in one heart and mind to fulfill all that God had spoken.
The same is true at present. The Philippines is waiting for the Body of Christ to be united. The vision is already revealed to them. But they all need to run with it. It has to be made known to everyone that despite the present turmoil, God has already made up His mind to change the Philippines. This vision and revelation should be made available not only to the believers, but to everyone.
How are we going to make this happen? As the leadership of the Body of Christ is working on the practical and spiritual terms, we should make use of all forms of media to make the vision public: written materials, books, Internet, TV & radio. The content should be from the time Philippines were discovered as a nation almost 490 years ago, from her birth until now, focusing on her purpose and destiny that was revealed throughout history. It will also trace back who we are as Filipinos during the pre-colonial era. This is in support to God’s prophetic word over the Philippines in accordance to Daniel 9:24, the fulfillment of all the prophecies that will be given in the 490th year of when Philippines was recognized as a nation.
After hearing from the Lord this direction, we therefore wanted to put it into action. We would like to come up with a material, which we will call: “Ako ay Pilipino”. This material will help establish in the hearts of the Filipinos who we are, why we are in this nation, and why we have been born in such a time as this. Once we understand our identity as a Filipino and as a nation, it will be easy for us to fulfill our destiny. Patriotism & passionate prayers will arise as each one realizes how especial Filipinos are in the eyes of the Lord and the world. The uplifting of the hearts will create the desire for change for righteousness in and out. It will be a material that will address not only born again Christians, but to all Bible believing people from different religion that believes in the Bible like the Catholics, Protestant, etc.
We are in the gateway of the fulfillment of the prophesies over our beloved nation. This will pave the way for the completion of the Great Commission throughout Asia and the world. It is a time for change. A time to unite. A time to set aside church background and denomination as a hindrance. People need to hear what the Lord has prepared for the Philippines. Only righteousness will exalt this nation. There is no way that wicked governance and disunited Body of Christ will do this. Let us boldly make known the vision and the revelation of the Lord for our beloved nation that all Filipinos, not just the Christians, in and outside the Philippines may run with it.
1.This is a step of faith in seizing our nation’s prophetic destiny. The prophetic direction and the vision God has given the watchmen of the Philippines through Bishop Dan Balais, IFP, Cindy Jacobs & other prophets & participating churches in Two-year National Prayer and Fasting. (Dan. 9:20-24) The 490 years of the Philippines is in 2010, the year of the fulfillment & jubilee.
2. We have to write down the given vision (make it public) for the Philippines, so the one who reads it may run with it (may join with it and take action) (Habakkuk 2: 1-4). This is a response to the call of God to make the vision public not only to the Body of Christ but also to all Filipinos.
3. Throughout history, the Lord has already been moving to change this nation, but the people are not seeing them. We need a way to let them see the move of God in this nation.
4. The hearts of the Filipinos have been so low because of the poverty, political turmoil, economic crisis and corruption. They are discouraged and frustrated. Making the Filipino’s self-esteem very low. It is about time to let them see who they are as Filipinos and their destiny in God’s eyes.
5. There are still part of the Body of Christ that are not convinced of God’s redemptive plans for the Philippines and its role in changing this nation. This is an opportune time to open their eyes to the reality of God and set aside denominations and personal interest, and be united.
6. There are millions of Filipinos who are living outside the country to make a living. Some of them have forsaken their motherland, others have hatred and ashamed to be Filipinos. It is about time to uplift the cause of the Philippines, know how God loves this nation. However, there are also Filipinos outside the country who are just waiting for a movement and a chance that they can support to change this nation.
7. Slowly, there is already a big mass of Filipinos who are becoming more patriotic. They just need some foundation and direction for their patriotism.
8. The Filipinos are ready for a change. There is a silent cry in the schools, offices, families, everywhere that should be given an avenue to pave the way for a change.
1. To write down and share the vision. This is to make the prophetic word of the Lord for the Philippines, public. It is our goal to share the vision God has given to the Body of Christ and to the Filipinos. As they are informed, through God’s work throughout the histories past & present, the Filipinos will understand their destiny as a person and as a nation.
2. To rally and challenge the people to chose righteousness, to pray and take action. This is the only way that God can exalt this nation.
3. To prepare the Filipinos for the coming election that is going to open the gate for the Philippines’ 490th year, which will usher in the new season of God for the Philippines.
4. To stir up the sprit of patriotism in the hearts of the Filipinos in and outside the country. To instill in the hearts of the Filipinos that one of our purposes in life is to love our nation.
5. To make the Filipinos realize and take action on their destiny as a nation and role in fulfilling the Great Commission in Asia and the world.
All forms of media if possible:
• Book (it will start from the book as the basis of all the materials that will be used)
• Website
• TV programs & Radio stations
• Billboards
• Newspapers/magazines
• Shirts, stickers, dog tags, etc.
Daniel 9:20-24 (New International Version)
The Seventy "Sevens" (490 years)
While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the LORD my God for his holy hill- while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the message and understand the vision:
"Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.
Habakkuk 2 (NLT)
I will climb up to my watchtower
and stand at my guardpost.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says
and how he[a] will answer my complaint.
The Lord’s Second Reply
Then the Lord said to me,
“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
(NASB) ["Record the vision, and inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run.]
(NKJV) [“ Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.]
This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed.
PROPHECY: (one of the many prophecies)
Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs
You know, the Lord shows me, over the Philippines there is a PRINCIPALITY OF CORRUPTION, and this corruption has been so systemic, and so deep, and this principality thinks it controls the Philippines. But the Lord is showing me that there will be a NATIONAL FAST, praying -- everyone, the north, the south, the east and the west, the whole church, not part of the church, STANDING UP and FASTING and PRAYING. There should not be a day that there isn't fasting going on for the Philippines.
And I am calling you, wherever you are, whoever is hearing my voice, whatever pastor is hearing my voice, whatever youth movement, the Lord is saying, 'LOVE YOUR NATION.' This is a strategic nation. Fast for the elections coming up, cry out to God, that in the next election God is gonna move in a massive way, the spirit of corruption will be broken.
Listen, the last time I was in the Philippines, I prophesied that the fear of the Lord was going to come to the Philippines, and those who tried to participate in corruption I feared for their lives. After that, two of them died. God isn't just saying these things. He means them. You get your life right, and you have the fear of the Lord in your life. If you tried to corrupt, corrupt God's nation, it's gonna be Acts 5 days of Ananias and Sapphira.
God is getting ready to move and march throughout the land. He's gonna pull down one and He's gonna set up the other. No longer will His words be delayed over the Philippines. If you stand and pray and you believe, God, the Lion of Judah, is going to arise and shake His mane over the nation, and He's going to roar out of Zion, and the darkness will be dispelled, says the Lord. Wow!
Prepared by:
Lorna Joannes
July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
a thought about Daddy God
Jon Schmidt during an interview about his musical arrangement, "Love story meets viva la vida" said: That's Sarah's favorite part... when i got to that part when I was arranging, I tried to extend that moment a little bit...
I could just imagine God saying, well i know that that will be riza's favorite part so i'm gonna extending it a bit so i can watch that smile get stuck on her face. *hearty DADDY GOD laughter*
yey! thanks DADDY!
I could just imagine God saying, well i know that that will be riza's favorite part so i'm gonna extending it a bit so i can watch that smile get stuck on her face. *hearty DADDY GOD laughter*
yey! thanks DADDY!
God will save the day: reflections from under the broom tree
i remember Elijah sleeping under the broom tree, waking up to see beside him some bread baked from hot stones, beside it a jar of water. i imagined he was so weak and helpless that God had to send an angel to wake him up. i imagined God's concern over Elijah as he sent that angel - someone to tap him and bake some bread for him. i see the hot stones lying there like some miraculous oven of serendipity. (even ovens are not impossible to find in the wilderness God's eyes are on you. and they are!) i imagine God's eyes on Elijah. i see the angel as God's special "alalay" to take care of this exhausted son.
i know that God understands it when all my strength has run out, when all i can do is faint under a broom tree. that was what happened to Elijah right? he must not have looked at his watch before sleeping saying, "oh it's 10pm. it's past my bed time. i'm off to dreamland now..." he probably didn't even know what time it was. he just fell there all strength gone.
i know that God stoops over when our tiredness keeps us stuck in bed. he understands us when the alarm clock could not do a better job at waking us up. and so he sends us an angel.
i know that God has foreseen the journey he has ordained for us to take. he sees the futrue. he also knows it when there is nothing left in our pockets. he knows it when the nearest convenience store is too far for convenience especially for a body sapped out of energy. he has foreseen the moment when lifting a finger would become too tedious for a soul almost crushed by failure or disillusion.
and he has prepared a journey into the cave of intimacy. yes he has calculated the steps we need to take and the amount of food we need to get there. he has gathered up the provision to take us there: some hot stones, an angel, baked bread and a jar of water. and he stoops down to provide all these. provisions that are a little less than ordinary.
he knows it when we have nothing left. when we have given everything we've got and when our falling into sleep is not an act of disobedience but a cry to be rescued.
he will strengthen us with just enough for another journey that will take us into the cave of intimacy. where we can wait for our strength to be renewed for he is about to reveal that he has preserved 7,000 who are actually on our side of the battle. that warrior sons shall be anointed and they shall crush jezebel. victory is at hand. from the cave of intimacy, we will renew our sonship by anointing our sons. and we will realize that everything has been provided for all along. even if it takes miracles to get them. like the angel, the baked bread and jar of water under the broom tree, we cannot really finish the journey without miracles. and miracles do not really happen without a need for them.
from under the broom tree, i am learning to depend completely. and i am learning to admit that even intimacy is completely an act of God. i am wooed into it with a strength not mine. i am taken into it with a love that is not mine. i am Elijah under the broom tree. i am a bruised reed that he does not break. but i am rescued in his grace and mercy. between doubts and tears. between silence and songs. between clear words and confusion. between anger and forgiveness, humility and sin, obedience and hesitation, and all that remains to be cleansed...
amidst all... God steps in and pours out all it takes. even ovens made of hot stones.
(2 Kings 19:5)
i know that God understands it when all my strength has run out, when all i can do is faint under a broom tree. that was what happened to Elijah right? he must not have looked at his watch before sleeping saying, "oh it's 10pm. it's past my bed time. i'm off to dreamland now..." he probably didn't even know what time it was. he just fell there all strength gone.
i know that God stoops over when our tiredness keeps us stuck in bed. he understands us when the alarm clock could not do a better job at waking us up. and so he sends us an angel.
i know that God has foreseen the journey he has ordained for us to take. he sees the futrue. he also knows it when there is nothing left in our pockets. he knows it when the nearest convenience store is too far for convenience especially for a body sapped out of energy. he has foreseen the moment when lifting a finger would become too tedious for a soul almost crushed by failure or disillusion.
and he has prepared a journey into the cave of intimacy. yes he has calculated the steps we need to take and the amount of food we need to get there. he has gathered up the provision to take us there: some hot stones, an angel, baked bread and a jar of water. and he stoops down to provide all these. provisions that are a little less than ordinary.
he knows it when we have nothing left. when we have given everything we've got and when our falling into sleep is not an act of disobedience but a cry to be rescued.
he will strengthen us with just enough for another journey that will take us into the cave of intimacy. where we can wait for our strength to be renewed for he is about to reveal that he has preserved 7,000 who are actually on our side of the battle. that warrior sons shall be anointed and they shall crush jezebel. victory is at hand. from the cave of intimacy, we will renew our sonship by anointing our sons. and we will realize that everything has been provided for all along. even if it takes miracles to get them. like the angel, the baked bread and jar of water under the broom tree, we cannot really finish the journey without miracles. and miracles do not really happen without a need for them.
from under the broom tree, i am learning to depend completely. and i am learning to admit that even intimacy is completely an act of God. i am wooed into it with a strength not mine. i am taken into it with a love that is not mine. i am Elijah under the broom tree. i am a bruised reed that he does not break. but i am rescued in his grace and mercy. between doubts and tears. between silence and songs. between clear words and confusion. between anger and forgiveness, humility and sin, obedience and hesitation, and all that remains to be cleansed...
amidst all... God steps in and pours out all it takes. even ovens made of hot stones.
(2 Kings 19:5)
it's always nice when i get to be alone in a room while playing some powerful fun worship music. reminds me of how good it feels to dance like crazy.
friday morning, i remember asking God for greater things that day. encouragement... anything happy and more than the usual. sometimes i forget to ask like Jabez. that day, thank God i remembered.
God never fails. after God-time, i got ready to start off with my morning errand. it got postponed. i ended up coming early for work at the ice rink. wow. the rink was close to being empty. well... if you ain't got students and there ain't much going on the ice, might as well enjoy the exclusive space... i haven't tried jumping axels for like 7 years now... well, why not try now? suddenly, i just had the courage to jump (this rarely happens nowadays since i'm not exactly in good shape now). but God was up to something. for some reason i had the desire and excitement and faith to do it. must be the movie i watched last wednesday - facing the giants. hahaha. so a bit of warm up, preparation jumps and off i jumped the axel. tada...! i almost landed it. waaaaah. am i dreaming??? i was definitely nervous and a bit shaky. but i was fighting the tension off. i knew God was giving me faith for this. hahaha. i tried it again. i landed it. did i just... land... it...? i landed 3 or 4 more jumps. i also fell a couple of times. but God it feels good to jump again. and yes it even feels good to fall again. my first surprise for the day.
after that i got a bit dizzy. so i rested. then came the students... 4 assists in a row! not a single idle minute! my 2nd surprise for that day.
i was told that we'd be interviewed too for our application in MOA ice rink...since the megamall rink is closing on aug.31, most of us applied in MOA (another surprise yes bec. i only found out about the interview that day when i got to the rink.) well... the interview went really well. i was surprised because i didn't know that my boss thought highly of me. i learned that because he spoke well of me to my other interviewer during our interview. my other interviewer (there were 2 of them) was also very pleased. kulang nalang i-hire na niya ako. i swear i wanted to jump and clap my hands as i walked out of the office. but i didn't want to look crazy and too overjoyed. nakakahiya... toinx. it was the favor that i've been asking God for consistently. i've asked and asked and declared and declared. i realized it has always been there. it just took an interview in order for God to show me. 3rd surprise for the day.
it was almost 5pm and by that time i was starving. i didn't have lunch so i grabbed some food and went straight to my lifenet meeting with the teens. ages 12-14. di pa pala teen ung iba... i honestly think we had fun. they had a lot of questions. and they seemed very interested... wow. i wasn't expecting it because i was warned that some of them might be pasaway. hahaha... well, we'll see as time goes by. lol. in the mean time, surprise no. 4.
as i was commuting back to where i was staying that night... i felt a bit bored having to go home early. i haven't had dinner yet (although i had late lunch... pero goto lang po kc yon) so i kinda prayed to God where the heck am i going to have dinner and i wished i could hang out a bit. then came ryzl texting me if i wanna join their victory@25 celebration. i was walking inside gateway mall that time... on my way to the mrt station... i asked where it was. lo and behold, it was just a couple of strides away down at araneta coliseum. i said i'll be there in a jiffy. we had late dinner afterwards. answered prayer again. surprise no. 5.
and it all started with asking God that morning. and dancing like crazy. it works quite well in stirring up faith. i mean, dancing works well for me. i don't know maybe you should try it too. one lazy morning, try dancing for God. and asking for miracles... even small ones. or big ones. whichever you think suits your day. :) Jesus always makes a way!
friday morning, i remember asking God for greater things that day. encouragement... anything happy and more than the usual. sometimes i forget to ask like Jabez. that day, thank God i remembered.
God never fails. after God-time, i got ready to start off with my morning errand. it got postponed. i ended up coming early for work at the ice rink. wow. the rink was close to being empty. well... if you ain't got students and there ain't much going on the ice, might as well enjoy the exclusive space... i haven't tried jumping axels for like 7 years now... well, why not try now? suddenly, i just had the courage to jump (this rarely happens nowadays since i'm not exactly in good shape now). but God was up to something. for some reason i had the desire and excitement and faith to do it. must be the movie i watched last wednesday - facing the giants. hahaha. so a bit of warm up, preparation jumps and off i jumped the axel. tada...! i almost landed it. waaaaah. am i dreaming??? i was definitely nervous and a bit shaky. but i was fighting the tension off. i knew God was giving me faith for this. hahaha. i tried it again. i landed it. did i just... land... it...? i landed 3 or 4 more jumps. i also fell a couple of times. but God it feels good to jump again. and yes it even feels good to fall again. my first surprise for the day.
after that i got a bit dizzy. so i rested. then came the students... 4 assists in a row! not a single idle minute! my 2nd surprise for that day.
i was told that we'd be interviewed too for our application in MOA ice rink...since the megamall rink is closing on aug.31, most of us applied in MOA (another surprise yes bec. i only found out about the interview that day when i got to the rink.) well... the interview went really well. i was surprised because i didn't know that my boss thought highly of me. i learned that because he spoke well of me to my other interviewer during our interview. my other interviewer (there were 2 of them) was also very pleased. kulang nalang i-hire na niya ako. i swear i wanted to jump and clap my hands as i walked out of the office. but i didn't want to look crazy and too overjoyed. nakakahiya... toinx. it was the favor that i've been asking God for consistently. i've asked and asked and declared and declared. i realized it has always been there. it just took an interview in order for God to show me. 3rd surprise for the day.
it was almost 5pm and by that time i was starving. i didn't have lunch so i grabbed some food and went straight to my lifenet meeting with the teens. ages 12-14. di pa pala teen ung iba... i honestly think we had fun. they had a lot of questions. and they seemed very interested... wow. i wasn't expecting it because i was warned that some of them might be pasaway. hahaha... well, we'll see as time goes by. lol. in the mean time, surprise no. 4.
as i was commuting back to where i was staying that night... i felt a bit bored having to go home early. i haven't had dinner yet (although i had late lunch... pero goto lang po kc yon) so i kinda prayed to God where the heck am i going to have dinner and i wished i could hang out a bit. then came ryzl texting me if i wanna join their victory@25 celebration. i was walking inside gateway mall that time... on my way to the mrt station... i asked where it was. lo and behold, it was just a couple of strides away down at araneta coliseum. i said i'll be there in a jiffy. we had late dinner afterwards. answered prayer again. surprise no. 5.
and it all started with asking God that morning. and dancing like crazy. it works quite well in stirring up faith. i mean, dancing works well for me. i don't know maybe you should try it too. one lazy morning, try dancing for God. and asking for miracles... even small ones. or big ones. whichever you think suits your day. :) Jesus always makes a way!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ako ay Pilipino Movement - Call for Volunteers
hey hey guys! i'm recruiting volunteer Christian researchers, writers, editors (and what you have's) to run with the vision of publishing a book about the IDENTITY of the FILIPINO and the PROPHETIC DESTINY of the PHILIPPINES - before the 2010 elections. Comment here or send me a PM if you want to volunteer. Students are very much welcome to join. :) Contacts and recommendations will be much appreciated. ;)
if you're hesitant but you'd like to know more about the project (/vision God gave my friend), send me your email address and i'll let you in a bit.. thaaanks!
we've targeted november 2009 as launch date so we need as many eyes and brains as possible!
btw, this will be just one part of the "Ako ay Pilipino Movement.." we've envisioned to have a full blown campaign, the book being the launching pad and more tangible manifestation of the movement.
thanks thanks! hope to hear from you. *wink*
To know more about Ako ay Pilipino, click here for vision/project description.
if you're hesitant but you'd like to know more about the project (/vision God gave my friend), send me your email address and i'll let you in a bit.. thaaanks!
we've targeted november 2009 as launch date so we need as many eyes and brains as possible!
btw, this will be just one part of the "Ako ay Pilipino Movement.." we've envisioned to have a full blown campaign, the book being the launching pad and more tangible manifestation of the movement.
thanks thanks! hope to hear from you. *wink*
To know more about Ako ay Pilipino, click here for vision/project description.
Monday, July 20, 2009
i've been busy with a lot of things lately and i don't know why is it that just when there's so much to write about, i can't seem to write. thoughts would also come whenever i don't have my laptop or a pen and paper with me. and yes, thoughts disappear the moment i open my notepad or blog.
i am tired but excited. sometimes i feel like my head is going to explode. add commentaries that hardly soothe the tension. please give me some room to breathe...
i've stepped into a raging river and when i thought that i was expected to swim, i realize i am expected to just be swept away. but there are the usual things of day to day. it drives me crazy to think that things could still be so ordinarily demanding even after i've stepped into the extraordinary. i wake up, fix my pillows, see my messy clutter that i've left unkempt the night before. my mind flies to bigger things as i manage to attend to small chores of day to day. day to day... it is a challenge to stay focused until i've washed and hung my last piece of laundry. we cannot shrink back from the bigger things, even if we've got big small things at hand - chores, work, finances, etc. it's the bigger things that make us relevant. it's the small things that make us steadfast.
as i pursue to balance life as God made it. haha. i hope i will not let go of the big thing. life can get smaller everyday if we let it. but today, this year - 2009, it simply is not the year for shrinkers to stay small.
after 40 days of being silent in facebook... i finally broke my fast yesterday. and surprise, i lost all the notifications. hahaha! oh well, who cares... hahaha...
i am tired but excited. sometimes i feel like my head is going to explode. add commentaries that hardly soothe the tension. please give me some room to breathe...
i've stepped into a raging river and when i thought that i was expected to swim, i realize i am expected to just be swept away. but there are the usual things of day to day. it drives me crazy to think that things could still be so ordinarily demanding even after i've stepped into the extraordinary. i wake up, fix my pillows, see my messy clutter that i've left unkempt the night before. my mind flies to bigger things as i manage to attend to small chores of day to day. day to day... it is a challenge to stay focused until i've washed and hung my last piece of laundry. we cannot shrink back from the bigger things, even if we've got big small things at hand - chores, work, finances, etc. it's the bigger things that make us relevant. it's the small things that make us steadfast.
as i pursue to balance life as God made it. haha. i hope i will not let go of the big thing. life can get smaller everyday if we let it. but today, this year - 2009, it simply is not the year for shrinkers to stay small.
after 40 days of being silent in facebook... i finally broke my fast yesterday. and surprise, i lost all the notifications. hahaha! oh well, who cares... hahaha...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ako ay Pilipino
"for such a time as this." we've heard this phrase so many times. but what do the words "time as this" really refer to? this year? last year? the span of time from seven years back 'til present? the span of now til whenever we still feel like it is? the phrase seems as though it has always been characterized by relativity and vagueness. maybe some think that it is a span of 10 years or even 40...
i am convinced however that today more than ever, we have finally touched the ground where time has become more specific than uncertain. for the first time in nine years, it is clear to me that i stand face to face with a timer about to lapse less in about a year. i dare say, that kairos and kronos are about to meet.
in 2007, cindy jacobs prophesied that the next 2 years in our nation will determine whether we would go into greatness or another era of struggle with bondage. i used the word era because the next opportune time might take years or even decades (490 years perhaps). that word was released if you will notice, 2 years before the coming national elections. it was as though God is saying, the coming national elections is more crucial than any other elections you've had.
months back, God gave me a word: Daniel 9. it speaks of the end of israel's 490 years of captivity and how Daniel's recognition of the kairos time (and praying it into fulfillment) ushered israel into it's time of release from bondage. as i pondered on the word, i wondered if our nation is anywhere near 490 years of anything... then God confirmed the word through another fellow intercessor. we prayed Daniel 9. little did i know that we are indeed about to enter (in 2011) our 490th year since the time our archipelago was discovered (1521)... i learned this as bishop dan balais preached about Proclamation Daniel 9:24. that was way after God gave our prayer group the word to take Daniel 9. God confirmed the word. The sense of urgency intensifies with each day that passes by. (i mean this literally and not figuratively.) I have never experienced such a sense in my spirit of a great responsibility and accountability. As though the hinge of history is about to swing our nation's future and our prayers and obedience maneuvers the swing... and when i say obedience, i mean obedience to God's unction to wrestle for our nation. To be an obedient student, child, employee, or church member is one thing. But to be a lover of our country and a protagonist in seizing it's destiny based on the SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS AND PROMISES GOD HAS GIVEN US is another thing.
We have been calling for people to run with a vision for transforming and reforming the nation for like seven years now... and we had often said that we are willing to run "until" this race is won... until righteousness reigns in our nation. But today, there is NOT JUST a need for people who will believe but a need for individuals and groups that will ACT based on a clear recognition of our TIME and SEASON. and this is the time we are in... we are in the last stretch of the battle. if we faint now, the timer will lapse while we are slumbering. yes, even if we are zealously working for God, we can miss God's crucial work in our country.
Late last year, God gave me a dream about the seat of the land being at stake. And there were invaders about to seize the throne from the citizens of the land. the dream ends with the people inside a church one by one being asked to profess then he is Cuban. i realized that my turn is about to come and as i anticipated that moment, i realized that i must say "i am filipino" with whatever courage i had at that time. it was my moment to do choose between doing something that i will be proud of or something that will sell my inheritance to the enemy of my soul.
As the election date draws near, the same battle that we have been facing for so many years until now still remain. it is a battle for our identity and pride as filipinos. for decades, many of us have chosen to have a peacetime mentality. we have shrunk back and surrendered our pride and identity to the dogs. who are we really? do we know our identity and are we proud? let us admit, most of us are no different from the typical kababayan who slanders his own race every now and then as if he is not pointing to himself everytime he speaks ill towards the "Filipino."
My real question is, is this the mentality that we are going to bring as we make our way to the polling stations? And yes, not even everyone wants to vote! Why? Because many have GIVEN UP! And even if we have decided to vote on that day, what will be the greatest influence over our vote? Is it hope? Or is it pessimism? Is it righteousness? Or is it compromise?
We have been dreaming and hoping for a RULER to take that seat of authority over our nation and restore to us our INTEGRITY and PRIDE as Filipinos. We say that we are a democracy and that we have the power to choose who will rule over us. And yet time and time again, we end up with people who disappoint if not, embarrass us... Could it be, that the reason for our OUTWARD shame in the government is RoOTED in our inwARd shame towards our very own selves. Do we really love our nation? Many of us say we do. But how OBVIOUS has it been in our lives?
"Ako ay Filipino." Can you imagine yourself declaring these words with dignity and pride even if you are in another nation? If not, then just like me, you have something to ponder about... Be it that we would deal with it before the next election draws to a close. OUR future depends ON YOUR convictions. and your convictions are nothing without real actions.
What is God's mandate over your life this day? What is he asking you to do for your nation. I plead with you, do it NOW. There is no time to lose.
i am convinced however that today more than ever, we have finally touched the ground where time has become more specific than uncertain. for the first time in nine years, it is clear to me that i stand face to face with a timer about to lapse less in about a year. i dare say, that kairos and kronos are about to meet.
in 2007, cindy jacobs prophesied that the next 2 years in our nation will determine whether we would go into greatness or another era of struggle with bondage. i used the word era because the next opportune time might take years or even decades (490 years perhaps). that word was released if you will notice, 2 years before the coming national elections. it was as though God is saying, the coming national elections is more crucial than any other elections you've had.
months back, God gave me a word: Daniel 9. it speaks of the end of israel's 490 years of captivity and how Daniel's recognition of the kairos time (and praying it into fulfillment) ushered israel into it's time of release from bondage. as i pondered on the word, i wondered if our nation is anywhere near 490 years of anything... then God confirmed the word through another fellow intercessor. we prayed Daniel 9. little did i know that we are indeed about to enter (in 2011) our 490th year since the time our archipelago was discovered (1521)... i learned this as bishop dan balais preached about Proclamation Daniel 9:24. that was way after God gave our prayer group the word to take Daniel 9. God confirmed the word. The sense of urgency intensifies with each day that passes by. (i mean this literally and not figuratively.) I have never experienced such a sense in my spirit of a great responsibility and accountability. As though the hinge of history is about to swing our nation's future and our prayers and obedience maneuvers the swing... and when i say obedience, i mean obedience to God's unction to wrestle for our nation. To be an obedient student, child, employee, or church member is one thing. But to be a lover of our country and a protagonist in seizing it's destiny based on the SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS AND PROMISES GOD HAS GIVEN US is another thing.
We have been calling for people to run with a vision for transforming and reforming the nation for like seven years now... and we had often said that we are willing to run "until" this race is won... until righteousness reigns in our nation. But today, there is NOT JUST a need for people who will believe but a need for individuals and groups that will ACT based on a clear recognition of our TIME and SEASON. and this is the time we are in... we are in the last stretch of the battle. if we faint now, the timer will lapse while we are slumbering. yes, even if we are zealously working for God, we can miss God's crucial work in our country.
Late last year, God gave me a dream about the seat of the land being at stake. And there were invaders about to seize the throne from the citizens of the land. the dream ends with the people inside a church one by one being asked to profess then he is Cuban. i realized that my turn is about to come and as i anticipated that moment, i realized that i must say "i am filipino" with whatever courage i had at that time. it was my moment to do choose between doing something that i will be proud of or something that will sell my inheritance to the enemy of my soul.
As the election date draws near, the same battle that we have been facing for so many years until now still remain. it is a battle for our identity and pride as filipinos. for decades, many of us have chosen to have a peacetime mentality. we have shrunk back and surrendered our pride and identity to the dogs. who are we really? do we know our identity and are we proud? let us admit, most of us are no different from the typical kababayan who slanders his own race every now and then as if he is not pointing to himself everytime he speaks ill towards the "Filipino."
My real question is, is this the mentality that we are going to bring as we make our way to the polling stations? And yes, not even everyone wants to vote! Why? Because many have GIVEN UP! And even if we have decided to vote on that day, what will be the greatest influence over our vote? Is it hope? Or is it pessimism? Is it righteousness? Or is it compromise?
We have been dreaming and hoping for a RULER to take that seat of authority over our nation and restore to us our INTEGRITY and PRIDE as Filipinos. We say that we are a democracy and that we have the power to choose who will rule over us. And yet time and time again, we end up with people who disappoint if not, embarrass us... Could it be, that the reason for our OUTWARD shame in the government is RoOTED in our inwARd shame towards our very own selves. Do we really love our nation? Many of us say we do. But how OBVIOUS has it been in our lives?
"Ako ay Filipino." Can you imagine yourself declaring these words with dignity and pride even if you are in another nation? If not, then just like me, you have something to ponder about... Be it that we would deal with it before the next election draws to a close. OUR future depends ON YOUR convictions. and your convictions are nothing without real actions.
What is God's mandate over your life this day? What is he asking you to do for your nation. I plead with you, do it NOW. There is no time to lose.
i still believe

Somehow I know I will find a way
To a brighter day in the sun
Somewhere that I know he waits for me
Someday soon he'll see I'm the one
I won't give up on this feeling
And nothing could keep me away
Cause I still believe in destiny
That you and I were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above
Cause I still believe, believe in love
I know what's real can not be denied
Although it may hide for a while
With just one touch, love can calm your fears
Turning all your tears into smiles
It's such a wonderous feeling
I know that my heart can't be wrong
Love can make miracles, change everything
Lift you from the darkness and make your heart sing
Love is a river when you fall
It's the greatest power of all
Monday, July 13, 2009
(read) my silence
heart thumps
but no one hears
now i stand struggling
between tact and spontaneity
candid truthfulness and careful discretion
secrecy and expression
love unspoken and love revealed
now written words are silent
a sweet escape from confrontation
a compromise for revelations i cannot shout
and like my heart's thumping -
they are loud yet unheard
love un-spoken, love (almost) revealed
but no one hears
now i stand struggling
between tact and spontaneity
candid truthfulness and careful discretion
secrecy and expression
love unspoken and love revealed
now written words are silent
a sweet escape from confrontation
a compromise for revelations i cannot shout
and like my heart's thumping -
they are loud yet unheard
love un-spoken, love (almost) revealed
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
It's Time to Turn Back!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009 08:56 Cindy deVille Newsletters - Prophetic Insight
Editor's Note:The message below was first published on June 17, 2009, as Today's Prophetic Perspective, an e-newsletter of Shekinah Today Ministries (shekinahtoday.org). The word from the Lord that follows the author's introduction was given to Cindy deVille on May 25, 2009.
[Cindy deVille] I can hear God say, "This is the time!"
It's time to get back in the fight! When we survey biblical history, we see that it was always the victors who took the spoils of war. And those who were defeated either lost their lives or became slaves to their enemies, losing everything.
As God's people, we must never surrender to the forces of darkness and never give in! We must never give up the fight—in our nation, our cities, our churches or our personal lives. To give up or to surrender is to declare our enemy the victor and the conqueror. As God's people, we must surrender only to our God and King.
It's time for all those in the body of Christ who have given up the fight to turn back and get back in. We must not faint in the day of adversity! We must stand up and fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal salvation (see 1 Tim. 6:12), not only for ourselves but also for all those who need to hear the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ—for all who will be saved.
This is not a time for any of us to give up or to draw back; it is a time to move forward and attack. Our greatest days are ahead. These days will require our greatest faith, but they will also hold our greatest victories if we refrain from drawing back and with a violent faith, draw our swords and move forward in the name and the power of the Lord (see Eph. 6:10-18).
As I prayed for the body of Christ, I kept seeing in my spirit a stack of military weapons that had been thrown into a pile. There were hundreds and perhaps thousands of them that soldiers had thrown down. It seemed as if they had been recently thrown down in surrender, and there was still smoke ascending from them. It appeared the soldiers had given up and were walking away from the fight.
I kept seeing this picture so clearly in my spirit, and I asked God what it meant. What was He trying to show me? Then He gave me the following word and showed me that this vision represented many in the body of Christ [who had laid down their spiritual weapons]:
"Many have surrendered. Many have given up the fight. Many have thrown down their weapons. Many have quit doing what's right. Many have quit being salt and quit being light. Many have turned and run from the fight. Many have surrendered. Many have backed down. Many have thrown their weapons and armor on the ground.
"Tell them to turn around. Tell them to go back. Tell them to pick up their weapons again. Tell them I am the God of victory and I know how to win. Tell them to pick up their weapons again. Tell them to never give in. Tell them to never give up the fight. Tell them to never quit doing what's right.
"For I have decreed their victory, but they must turn back to Me. They must pick up their weapons of war. I will show them how to soar, for I am the God of victory. I do not accept defeat. It has no part of Me.
"My people must turn back to Me. Then I will lead them into victory. This is the set time. This is the time," says the Lord.
"This is the time, this is the time to come running back to Me, to come run back to Me. This is the time to come and be a part of this great army.
"I'm calling all you who have gone astray. I'm calling all you who have gotten caught up in civilian ways. I'm calling all [of] you to come in and to be a part of My army once again. I will forgive you. I will restore you. I will strengthen you, and I will make all things new. This is the time!"
Editor's Note:The message below was first published on June 17, 2009, as Today's Prophetic Perspective, an e-newsletter of Shekinah Today Ministries (shekinahtoday.org). The word from the Lord that follows the author's introduction was given to Cindy deVille on May 25, 2009.
[Cindy deVille] I can hear God say, "This is the time!"
It's time to get back in the fight! When we survey biblical history, we see that it was always the victors who took the spoils of war. And those who were defeated either lost their lives or became slaves to their enemies, losing everything.
As God's people, we must never surrender to the forces of darkness and never give in! We must never give up the fight—in our nation, our cities, our churches or our personal lives. To give up or to surrender is to declare our enemy the victor and the conqueror. As God's people, we must surrender only to our God and King.
It's time for all those in the body of Christ who have given up the fight to turn back and get back in. We must not faint in the day of adversity! We must stand up and fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal salvation (see 1 Tim. 6:12), not only for ourselves but also for all those who need to hear the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ—for all who will be saved.
This is not a time for any of us to give up or to draw back; it is a time to move forward and attack. Our greatest days are ahead. These days will require our greatest faith, but they will also hold our greatest victories if we refrain from drawing back and with a violent faith, draw our swords and move forward in the name and the power of the Lord (see Eph. 6:10-18).
As I prayed for the body of Christ, I kept seeing in my spirit a stack of military weapons that had been thrown into a pile. There were hundreds and perhaps thousands of them that soldiers had thrown down. It seemed as if they had been recently thrown down in surrender, and there was still smoke ascending from them. It appeared the soldiers had given up and were walking away from the fight.
I kept seeing this picture so clearly in my spirit, and I asked God what it meant. What was He trying to show me? Then He gave me the following word and showed me that this vision represented many in the body of Christ [who had laid down their spiritual weapons]:
"Many have surrendered. Many have given up the fight. Many have thrown down their weapons. Many have quit doing what's right. Many have quit being salt and quit being light. Many have turned and run from the fight. Many have surrendered. Many have backed down. Many have thrown their weapons and armor on the ground.
"Tell them to turn around. Tell them to go back. Tell them to pick up their weapons again. Tell them I am the God of victory and I know how to win. Tell them to pick up their weapons again. Tell them to never give in. Tell them to never give up the fight. Tell them to never quit doing what's right.
"For I have decreed their victory, but they must turn back to Me. They must pick up their weapons of war. I will show them how to soar, for I am the God of victory. I do not accept defeat. It has no part of Me.
"My people must turn back to Me. Then I will lead them into victory. This is the set time. This is the time," says the Lord.
"This is the time, this is the time to come running back to Me, to come run back to Me. This is the time to come and be a part of this great army.
"I'm calling all you who have gone astray. I'm calling all you who have gotten caught up in civilian ways. I'm calling all [of] you to come in and to be a part of My army once again. I will forgive you. I will restore you. I will strengthen you, and I will make all things new. This is the time!"
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