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“what is yours is mine, and mine is yours, please say yes…will you cling to me?” —
Please Say Yes, Misty Edwards
As I listened to this song, the things I have been longing for past years came flashing in my mind. A scene of me preaching the Gospel to few and many, miracles at every instance that we ask for them, the conviction of the Holy Spirit falling upon men and women and youth, souls radically delivered, lives saved from emptiness and turned to God. I saw a season so heavenly and powerful, where each believer is so filled the Spirit of God that fear has no hold of them and they preach Jesus at every opportunity, where doubts have no place in their hearts and miracles come at every instance of faith-filled prayer. And the Spirit of God is not boxed or held back by callousness or unbelief, but invades wherever, whenever…
And it was like Jesus is saying, if you give me everything you own, you will have access to everything I have. If you want it, come and take it. If we will have a divine exchange, your rags for my glory, are you willing? And it felt as though my Bridegroom has long been waiting for the answer to his wedding proposal. And even as I have so many times said ‘yes,’ he is still waiting for the marriage to be consummated in a complete giving in, a total surrender of my possessions and all that I hold dear, an offering of all my treasures.
It is like that moment when the newly-wed bride in the movie Intolerable Cruelties, rips the pre-nuptial contract into pieces. There comes a shattering of the walls of distrust, the barricade that spells ‘you cannot cross this line and touch these treasured possessions” is suddenly melted by the compelling invitation to be one, to be fragile in his arms, to hold nothing else dear, except His embrace.
What is mine is His, finally. so small a sacrifice. At that moment, the damn of His glory breaks and takes me into its relentless tide. This is Him sharing to me what is His. His glory, and more.