GDP, AM, EJ, JR. Do you know what these initials stand for? If not junior, gross domestic product, a name of a guy, and ante meridiem, what else can they stand for? Let me tell you a story.
GDP didn't know that that moment will be remembered and re-remembered by thousands as students go to high school and college, as historians teach their classes, and as truth seekers go back to their past for wisdom. He knew he was NOT just risking his life, he was in fact, laying it down. There was almost no chance of coming out of it alive! But he knew what he had to do and he did it. Now we read his last entry in his journal to get even just a glimpse of what happens in a young hero's heart before he dies.:
The General [Aguinaldo] has given me a platoon of available men and has ordered me to defend this pass. I am aware of what a difficult task has been given to me. Nevertheless, I feel that this is the most glorious moment of my life. There is no greater sacrifice. (from the last entry in del Pilar's journal)
That is Gregorio del Pilar. GDP.
We have more. We have men who did not give the enemy the advantage of being lured into self pity because of physical inability but instead served his nation with everything he had, who did not consider being the youngest and least experienced as an excuse to not contribute, who would rather expose injustice than live a comfortable, luxurious and safe, yet mediocre life. Apolinario Mabini. Emilio Jacinto. Jose Rizal.
Now what has your life got to do with any of their lives? When these men were born, do you honestly think that God did not know how he was going to use them? It believe God did know. Didn't God say in His word that he knows us, and that before we were born, He set us apart for a task that is especially for us? (Jeremiah 1:5, Ephesians 2:10)

If GDP, AM, EJ and JR had decided that their lives are useless, or that they're small, or that they have every right to live it just as they wish, wouldn't you hate them for doing so? When thrust in the middle of a society groaning for crumbs of peace and decency, what kind of conscience could afford to think of dining alone in satisfaction while the rest of the nations starves?
Fellow sojourner, you have been thrust in the middle of a battle and are you not aware of it? If you think your life is less than extraordinary, think again. It won't be, if you are willing to be be counted amongst those who are consumed for a cause worth living for, and leaving the past for.
If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your SELFISH WAYS, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life,you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it... -- Luke 9:23-24
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