The same wisdom, yes it is the same wisdom -- that put the stars in place and the planets in perfect orbit and order -- which God's hand imparts to our spirit and mind.
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For WISDOM WILL ENTER YOUR HEART, and KNOWLEDGE WILL FILL YOU WITH JOY. Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. (Prov. 2:9-11)
My confession for the day: I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I just don't get it God. I really don't. It's painful and mind-boggling. It's disappointing and perplexing. I just DON'T understand. And it seems like no one will ever understand either how difficult it is to stand in faith when every part of you wants to resist the still small voice that seems extra small this time of your life.
But you are Wisdom. And I am your student, daughter and beloved. Finally, I yield to your LOVE.
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