This is a photo of me this morning. Huhuhu. Obviously lost weight. I'm missing the food in Thailand... especially the free invites to lunch and dinner... It rarely happens here... See my eyes are closed. I'm envisioning a huge bowl of tom yummmmm... those lettuce wrapped fish with yummy sauce we had at P. Suay's. what's it called? And oh, the chicken and gelo at adjan tom's, the uber sossy korean bbq that takes forever to cook at adjan jay's (ok i'm just exaggerating to put some humor. ehehehe). and yeah the lumpia and kao phad (spelling check please...) at p.muay's, the drop-dead-HANGHANG-spicy-phett som tum (tam?) when we had for dinner with the teachers. the tom yum and something-with-cashew-nuts at adjan pratuan and adjan don's dinner treat! if i were allowed to stuff a bit of everything in my bag, i would have! but over-baggage na kami!!! had God not performed a miracle, we would have paid for each kilo we have in excess. but the weighing scale was kind enough to sway in favor of God's children. wooohoooo!
missin' all the pastors and their families, the teachers, students, and kids! missing the dust, the wireless-wall-less internet hub, the snakes and scorpion (in our bedroom during camp). missing seeing jemai crash against the cemented floor. bwahahaha! (we still get a good laugh everytime we watch it). yup, the skit's really moving but that part just ahh... lol) missin' the hugs and kisses. the smiles... SIGH... the waterfalls... the long rides. sleeping in the van with my mouth wide open... crazy. this is just crazy.
aytee, i have to send this now before we break into tears. :)
mwahmwah tsup tsup
i'm sending winnie the pooh a pair of shorts soon. *winkz*
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