Monday, May 5, 2008

i said, you said

a couple of days ago, i felt like i needed to join the GDOP in HK this sunday. i didn't really pray much about it earlier because i felt it's just not my season to travel and spend much since i don't have any stable source of income. but i realized that once again, i've bypassed God. (the other time was for the trip to azusa centennial celebration in the U.S.) so i asked God, kind of.

two weeks before the 'event,' i was still uncertain, but there was already a strong tug in my heart to go. then my friend meech (who was going and had a flight booked already) told me that i should really pray hard about it. she was going because she felt that God was going to impart something to her during there. we're both in the prayer ministry. suddenly, i realized, it was actually a more crucial decision that i thought.

see, not every option or choice we make may be that crucial. but there are times when something which we may not think is crucial, may actually have a major part in God's plan for our life. what meech said to me really struck me and amazingly, God led me to an article in that night (or was it the morning after...?) that confirmed what meech was saying:

"Right now, there are mantles hovering over the Body of Christ, waiting to be released, and God is looking for those He can place them on. Some mantles will resemble things we have seen before, while others will empower people to do things that have never been done before...

...When the mantle fell from Elijah, Elisha had to bend down and pick up that mantle. When he did, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Elisha had to be in the right place at the right time. It required persistence, determination and faithfulness on his part, so he would be correctly positioned to receive the mantle when the time came for it to be released. The same is true for us. It does matter where you are and who you are hanging out with! Some visitations from the Lord require you being in a specific place at a specific time. It is crucial we are where God wants us to be." (IT'S A NEW SEASON OF MIRACLES AND GREATER GLORY, Matt Sorger)

whew... i had to go check the net for the lowest fares right away!

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