Friday, June 12, 2009

The Cost

Late last year, when I was praying with my friends Michelle and April and we're having a hard time getting a breakthrough, the Lord in his mercy released a word through a vision. The vision that Michelle saw was a flag ceremony. The Philippine flag was being raised up and as the rope of the pulley was being pulled down, there was also the impression of the stronghold of corruption being pulled down. Then she sensed that the Lord is saying that He has heard the cry of the poor and oppressed and the weary...that God's heart goes out to his people with great compassion and love. She prayed, "come Lord" but the the Lord said to her, "how can i come? prepare the way of the Lord!" (Michelle, can you fill us in with the Scripture God gave you? Thanks.)

After she shared this, we started praying this prayer of "prepare the way of the Lord..." We sensed the great urgency. We sensed as well the complacency and unpreparedness of our hearts, our nation. While we though we have been diligently praying and seeking His face, we have not really come to the point of intense seriousness... a position that has really considered the cost and declared the sacrifice worth it for the sake of having God's visitation in our nation.

We have been distracted by petty concerns. Even financial concerns that are not really a matter of life and death. While... the other part of our nation is actually enduring real hardships that our struggles do not even compare to. In short, God rebuked us.

We cried, not for our nation, but for ourselves. That we would find the grace and the courage to face the question of the hour: Are we willing to pay the price?

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