Thursday, December 3, 2009


when dreams of waterfalls
turn into mountain slopes that crumble
it makes me ask again
why am i here in the first place?

then plays a song that brings the answer:
"i will waste my life
i'll be tested and tried
with no regrets inside of me
just to find i'm at your feet"

it was a pledge of love and obedience

when a call is special and sweet
it tickles the ears and caresses the heart
it is easy to heed

but tell me what will you do
when the tickles turn into a cold wind
and the caress begins to throb like a stab wound?

when suddenly the future loses its spark
and sacrifices seem weightier than its rewards
will you still heed?

and when you are brought to an altar
where love must be proven by a choice
will you lie down?

will you follow only because it satisfies your pretty visions?
or will you follow because you have learned to love him
more than dreams, more than future, more than life...

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